Currently: 286143 words in 11930 word lists and 40 categories | |||||||||||
Welcome to Word Search Party
Word Search Party is a great free resource, originally created with teachers in mind, which allows you to create, print and share PDF sheets of Word Search Puzzles. We have a large library of word lists, grouped by category or subject, which can be used to create puzzles. If you can't find a word list you like, you can create your own - and then share it with other users. You can change the size of the grid, enable or disable diagonals or backwards words and keep shuffling until you get a layout you are happy with. Our community-generated library contains hundreds of word lists, many of which have been created by teachers for use in the classroom. Other word lists covering a wider range of subjects have been submitted by puzzle fans. Some examples are below.
Note: We moderate all user-submitted content to ensure suitability for all ages |